Youth Guarantee Audience Survey

Closed 24 Dec 2021

Opened 15 Nov 2021


Kia ora

As you are aware, NCEA is currently going through a Change Programme that involves many changes to NCEA and how we support the sector to deliver NCEA, including refreshing our websites to make them more relevant, accessible, and user-friendly.

The Youth Guarantee website currently serves a number of audiences – from tertiary providers to ākonga – and is a channel that we’re looking to make some changes to. As part of this, we’re keen to hear how you and others use and interact with the website and the content and tools on it.

If you have used the Youth Guarantee website, we kindly invite you to complete the survey at this link. Additionally, if you have colleagues or associates that have used the website, we would be grateful if you could forward this survey link to them.