Curriculum Leads (Wellbeing) Collaboration

Closed 25 Sep 2020

Opened 7 Sep 2020

Feedback updated 25 Nov 2020

We asked

  • What would the role look like when focused on the local curriculum to support the wellbeing of learners?
  • How could we identify when learner wellbeing knowledge and skill were improving?
  • What does good engagement with a Curriculum Lead look like, who should be involved and how often?
  • How would impact the roles and define the support and process they needed?
  • How can the Curriculum Leads get regionally connected with?:
    •  the right people
    • The different learning contexts
    • The resources they would need.

You said

  • The name of the role is a potential issue.
  • These roles need to have a pedagogical approach that is holistic and focuses on connectedness, skills and competencies as well as knowledges.
  • We need to take a system-wide approach to wellbeing to ensure curriculum advice is aligned with other wellbeing frameworks (such as ERO’s wellbeing indicators).
  • Curriculum Leads need to put a wellbeing lens over BAU strategic planning to determine needs for different contexts.
  • The Curriculum Leads need the skill to talk with a range of people. They need to be able to help teachers and kaiako identify what sort of support is needed.

We did

We are using the information gathered at these meetings to develop a more detailed design of the role to enable tools and resources to be progressed for the Curriculum Leads. 

We want to continue working with you to further refine the roles and ways of working of the Curriculum Leads. Keep an eye out for opportunities to be involved in the next stage.


Through the Kōrero Mātauranga | Education Conversation, we heard from learners, families/ whānau and educators that they want learners:
  • to be happy, healthy and feel that they belong in education
  • to be learning the right things, in the right way, with skilled and engaged educators
  • to receive an education that takes them somewhere that they value and that helps them throughout their life.
Curriculum Leads
We have a new opportunity to deliver more front line specialist support that educators have been asking for through the Governments new Wellbeing Budget 2020 package.

Through the Child Youth and Wellbeing Strategy a vision of New Zealand being the best place in the world for young people to be was identified.

We want to work with you to ensure that you have your say so that we get the right people for these exciting new roles.

These roles will help to support the priorities identified by you in the conversations we have had over the last two years.

We heard that:

  • Children and people who feel safe and confident in themselves and in their learning environments, are those who best engage and achieve in education, in work and in life.
  • Racism, discrimination, bullying, poverty and family violence are issues that affect wellbeing. They impact on confidence, achievement and sense of belonging.  
  • Māori parents, educators, whānau and students have also identified the fostering of Māori identity, language and culture as critical to Māori education success.

What you need to know:

  • Up to 40 new Curriculum Leads (Wellbeing) will be established to help schools, kura, early learning services and kōhanga reo deliver a high quality Health and Physical Education and Hauora local curriculum and marau ā kura.
  • The Ministry of Education’s national office and regional offices will be partnering to collaborate with the sector, peak bodies, and health education experts to determine the most effective service design model.
  • The up to 40 Curriculum Leads (Wellbeing) will be recruited after the collaborative engagement to ensure we have the right people with the right skillsets for the job.
  • Curriculum Leads (Wellbeing) will be appointed at the end of 2020 for a 2021 start, and they will be supporting early learning services, kōhanga reo, kura and schools by term 2, 2021.

Read more about Wellbeing in Education

Why are we collaborating?

We want to ensure that the Curriculum Leads (Wellbeing) roles are designed in a collaborative way, so that they meet the needs of teachers, leaders, students, whanau and the community.
Watch our video to assist you with more context to complete the survey.