Te Rerenga School enrolment scheme

Closed 5 Nov 2021

Opened 29 Sep 2021


The Ministry of Education has identified that Te Rerenga School is likely to be overcrowded and has given the school board notice of this.

After consultation with the board, we have developed a proposed enrolment scheme for Te Rerenga School under section 72 of the Education and Training Act 2020.

We are consulting with the school’s community and with people living in the area for which the school is a reasonably convenient school.  The enrolment scheme could affect which school a student will be entitled to enrol in, or school transport entitlements.

Community Consultation meeting details:

An online zoom community consultation meeting has been scheduled for– Wednesday 20 October 5.00-5.30pm. Please click on the link below to join the zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 842 0636 5948

Passcode: 021614


View the documents:

The proposed enrolment scheme and the proposed zone map are available below or from the school office or may be requested by email at: Waikato.EnrolmentSchemes@education.govt.nz

Please review the proposed scheme documents before filling out the survey below.