Consultation on the Proposed Alternative Constitution for Woodhill School Board

Closed 16 Feb 2024

Opened 12 Dec 2023


Woodhill School amendment to the Alternative Constitution-Consultation with whanau and community


The Ministry of Education has approval to consult on the proposed alternative constitution for Woodhill School Board.


The Board has worked to ensure that this proposal reinforces its primary objectives in governing Woodhill School with a commitment to honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi. The Board is seeking to amend the current alternative constitution so that the governance can reflect the unique structure of the school, to ensure parent and whānau representation with respect to Whiti te Rā o Reweti Marae, and to attain a Board composition not achievable through the current constitution.

We are seeking your opinion through this consultation process in two ways.

1. The Board in collaboration with the Ministry of Education will host a kanohi-ki-te-kanohi hui at 8:30am, Thursday 14 December. This is the first opportunity for the Board to share the proposed amendments to the Alternative Constitution, and for you to feedback on the proposal.

2. The consultation hub link that will be made available to whānau and wider community to provide feedback on the proposal.


Consultation Hub

A consultation hub has been set-up to support this consultation process. Whānau and community can submit their feedback to the proposed amendments to the alternative constitution at the link below. The link will be live from 5pm, 12 December 2023 until 5pm, 16 February 2024. The school will also send out a reminder notice in Term 1.


Proposed Alternative Constitution

The Board has proposed the following amendments to the current alternative constitution, to better reflect the school and its community. The proposed membership of the amended alternative constitution is:

a. three parent elected representatives;

b. the principal

c. a staff representative

d. up to one representative of Whiti te Rā o Reweti Marae

e. up to one co-opted board member

  • The elected parent and staff representatives will be elected in accordance with Schedule 22 and 23 of the Education and Training Act 2020.
  • The representative of Whiti te Rā o Reweti Marae will be appointed in accordance with the process set out by the Marae Committee (please check this is accurate before sending out to whānau



In reading the proposed Alternative Consultation above, we invite you to consider the following questions to feedback on at either the face-to-face hui and/or through the consultation hub.

1. How are you connected to Woodhill School?

· Student of Woodhill school

· Parent of student at Woodhill School

· Staff member of Woodhill school

· Associated with an ECC in the Woodhill area.

· Interested community member, i.e. member of Whiti te ra o Reweti Marae

3. Do you wish to make a statement regarding the proposed change to the constitution? Please describe.

4. Do you wish to speak to a Ministry of Education representative? If yes, please provide an email address or contact phone number below.

5. Would you like the Board to consider anything else through the proposed consultation?

6. Is there anything else you would like to say regarding the consultation?