Leadership advisors survey for principals

Closed 7 Sep 2022

Opened 4 Aug 2022


The review of Tomorrow’s Schools identified our education system needed to do a lot more to ensure better outcomes for our ākonga who may have been underserved by the system.

When we originally sought feedback from the sector back in December 2018, we heard there was a clear need to better support school/kura to help free up time to focus on teaching and learning, with the aim of improving progress and outcomes for ākonga.

The Tomorrow’s Schools Taskforce final report in 2019 also recommended that we need more timely, responsive, and localised support for our school leaders provided by a cohort of highly skilled trusted professionals.

Response to recommendations

In response to those recommendations, 21 Leadership Advisor positions and a Chief Advisor position were established.

The Leadership Advisors will work with, but not duplicate, existing roles and support. We have made every effort to ensure the sector has played a pivotal role in shaping the position description to ensure it aligns with their expectations.

Some of the feedback we received from Principals was a requirement for admin support whilst others suggested they needed more focused support to meet ongoing and future challenges that the whole sector are currently experiencing.


An in-depth and comprehensive consultation process was carried out by the project team from 4 August to 7 September 2022. This process included an online survey, face to face hui and meetings with peak bodies and regional directors.

A separate consultation process for Kura Kaupapa was facilitated by Te Tuarongo. In parallel, we are engaged with Te Rūnanga Nui o Ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori o Aotearoa and Ngā Kura ā Iwi to agree a pathway, so that they will lead the shape and design of the roles to best support their tumuaki.

What happens next

The consultation feedback, in combination with Ministry collected data, has informed the design and implementation of the Leadership Advisor roles.

  • The first step is the appointment of the Chief Advisor. Recruitment is almost complete, and the Chief Advisor is expected to start in February 2023.
  • The Chief Advisor will be responsible for working with and supporting the Leadership Advisors and sector to conduct the ongoing evaluation and refinement of the roles over time.
  • The next step is to appoint the Leadership Advisors and that recruitment is currently underway. Most of the Leadership Advisors are expected to start in February 2023. Some of the roles will be recruited to carry out specific projects based on sector feedback and these roles are expected to start later in April 2023.


Kaitohutohu Kaiārahi - Leadership Advisors - Te Reo Māori

Kaitohutohu Kaiārahi - Leadership Advisors - Te Reo Māori from Ministry of Education on Vimeo.

Leadership Advisors - English

Leadership Advisor roles video explainer from Ministry of Education on Vimeo.