Enrolment Schemes Glenavon and Chaucer Schools

Closed 30 Jul 2021

Opened 17 Jun 2021

Results updated 14 Sep 2021

Official zone and written description can be found below the following table:

Topic of Concern


1  Presence of an overlap between Glenavon School and Chaucer School will cause a shift in enrolment from Chaucer School to Glenavon School, which will cause a reduction in enrolment at Blockhouse Bay Intermediate

Ministry Response: Under the Education and Training Act 2020 school zones can be drawn to overlap and we do that for a variety of reasons to manage a particular network of schools.  In this case the overlap between Chaucer School and Glenavon School is proposed to align the Chaucer School and Blockhouse Bay Intermediate school boundaries so that students within the overlap area who choose Chaucer School have a full pathway through to the intermediate, while also giving students in that are the choice of attending a full primary school. As Glenavon and Chaucer Schools are currently unzoned, students in the overlap area have the option of attending either school, and 71% of those students currently attend Blockhouse Bay Intermediate, an indication that the overlap area will not lead to a reduction in enrolment at Blockhouse Bay Intermediate.

2:  Presence of an overlap between Glenavon School and New Windsor School will cause a reduction in enrolment at New Windsor School

Ministry Response: Under the Education and Training Act 2020 school zones can be drawn to overlap and we do that for a variety of reasons to manage a particular network of schools.  In this case the overlap between Glenavon School and New Windsor School is recommended due to the overlap area’s proximity to Glenavon School. Additionally, as Glenavon School currently has no enrolment scheme, it can enrol students from anywhere, including the entirety of New Windsor School’s current zone. This means that there are 14 students enrolled from within New Windsor School’s zone that would be considered out of zone for Glenavon School were they enrolled after the implementation of Glenavon School’s zone. The return of such future students to New Windsor School’s zone should offset any drop in roll from the overlap area, though no drop in students from the overlap area is expected.




The Ministry of Education is currently working with the Boards of Glenavon School and Chaucer School to establish new enrolment schemes. 

Enrolment schemes are needed to help manage enrolments across schools.  This allows Boards to manage the risk of overcrowding, provides a fair and transparent process for enrolment and ensures we are making the best use of schooling facilities across the area.

Enrolment schemes do mean that choice is limited in this area – all families will have entitlement to attend a school that is reasonably convenient to them, but won’t have the same entitlement to enrol at other state schools.  (Note - students already enrolled at a school before a home zone is implemented or changed are entitled to stay at their current school).

It’s important that we hear and understand community perspectives before we establish these new schemes – especially the practical implication and whether the new boundaries accurately reflect the area.  Please have a look at the maps and overview information available below before you participate in the consultation process. 

This consultation process is about enrolment schemes, which determines the entitlement to enrol.  It’s important to note that a student’s eligibility to enrol may be different to their eligibility for School Transport assistance.  Further information about eligibility to school transport can be found here https://www.education.govt.nz/school/property-and-transport/transport/sta-eligibility/

Information (please read these before taking part in the consultation)

Chaucer School proposed amendment:

Glenavon School proposed new enrolment scheme:

The Ministry of Education is currently undertaking consultation about the proposed changes and new enrolment schemes. You can have your say by:

  • Completing the survey below
  • Emailing auckland.enrolmentschemes@education.govt.nz if you have further questions or comments.

Consultation will run from Thursday 17th June, until Friday 30th of July. The Ministry will consider all feedback and liaise with the Board before making a final decision. We expect the School community to be updated about progress made about mid-Term 3 The new schemes and changes will come into effect for the beginning of 2022.