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441 results

  • NELP Consultation Survey 2019

    We invite you to complete this survey to gather your feedback about the proposed Statement of National Education and Learning Priorities (NELP) that the Government intends release to guide [medium term] strategic planning in schools, kura, and early childhood education services me ngā kohanga reo . All survey responses are confidential and anonymous. Depending on the length of your responses, the survey should take between five-ten minutes to complete.... More
    Closed 30 September 2019
  • Science Learning Area - Big Ideas and Significant Learning (NZC)

    Sigificant Learning in Science More
    Closed 1 October 2019
  • Tertiary Student Voice Engagement

    Welcome to the Tertiary Student Voice Survey! Does your Education Organisation create the conditions, employ the practices and develop the behaviours, attitudes and learning environments that are conducive to student voice, agency and leadership? We want to know! This survey will be open for 6 weeks. Following the consultation deadline of Friday 4 October 2019, we will analyse and process all submissions. We will then use your feedback to help us develop fuller focus areas for... More
    Closed 4 October 2019
  • Pacific Education - Working together to develop an Action Plan for Pacific Education

    As part of the Education Conversation I Kōrero Mātauranga, thousands of Pacific learners and their families shared what is important to them in education and what they would like to see changed. We heard that a good education system is one that values the diverse Pacific languages, identities and cultures and supports family wellbeing and success. A good education system means that Pacific children and their families don’t need to leave their culture at the door when they go to... More
    Closed 6 October 2019
  • Person Responsible in ECE

    All licensed early learning services need at least one person responsible for every 50 children in attendance. In ECE centres, they are the person primarily responsible for the day to day education and care of children. To help ease pressure on ECE centres, we are thinking about allowing primary qualified teachers to be the person responsible in ECE centres We would like your views on whether we should allow primary qualified teachers to be persons responsible. ... More
    Closed 20 October 2019
  • Tertiary Education Strategy

    Consultation on the NELP began on 17 September 2019, and closed on 25 October 2019 (TES) and 25 November 2019 (NELP). We would like to thank those who took the time to provide their feedback on the draft priorities. We collected feedback via an online survey, submissions, social media, and targeted face-to-face consultations. We wanted to know: For each of the priorities, do you agree that this is a priority? Is the meaning of the priority clear? Is there anything you... More
    Closed 25 October 2019
  • Minimising food-related choking risk in Early Learning Services

    To minimise the risk of young children choking on food, we are proposing that all early learning services be required to ensure children are supervised and seated while eating and follow Ministry of Health guidance in the preparation and serving of food. We are also proposing to amend a further four criteria and are seeking your views on the proposed changes. The results of the survey will be used to inform our future decision making on this. Consultation will... More
    Closed 15 November 2019
  • Te Whakaiti i te mōrea o te rāoa i te kai i roto i Ngā Ratonga Akoranga Kōhungahunga

    Hei whakaiti i te mōrea o te rāoa a ngā tamariki, e marohitia ana e mātau kia herea ngā ratonga akoranga kōhungahunga ki te whakarite kei te whakahaeretia ngā tamariki, kei te noho ki te kai me te whai i ngā tohutohu a Te Manatū Hauora mō te taka me te tuku kai. E marohi anō mātau ki te whakatika i ētahi atu paearu e whā me te rapu i ō whakaaro mō ngā huringa e marohitia ana. Ko ngā otinga o te rangahau ka whakamahia hei whāngai atu ki ngā tuku... More
    Closed 15 November 2019
  • Ngā Kaupapa Matua ā-Motu mō te Mātauranga me te Ako

    Consultation on the NELP began on 17 September 2019, and closed on 25 October 2019 (TES) and 25 November 2019 (NELP). We would like to thank those who took the time to provide their feedback on the draft priorities. We collected feedback via an online survey, submissions, social media, and targeted face-to-face consultations. We wanted to know: For each of the priorities, do you agree that this is a priority? Is the meaning of the priority clear? Is there anything you... More
    Closed 25 November 2019
  • Review of Achievement Standards (RAS) - Pilot Phase: English

    These FAQs will be updated as questions arise. More
    Closed 2 March 2020
  • Review of Achievement Standards (RAS) - Pilot Phase: Religious Studies

    These FAQs will be updated as questions arise. More
    Closed 2 March 2020
  • Review of Achievement Standards (RAS) - Pilot Phase: Visual Arts

    These FAQs will be updated as questions arise. More
    Closed 2 March 2020
  • Review of Achievement Standards (RAS) - Pilot Phase: Science

    These FAQs will be updated as questions arise More
    Closed 2 March 2020
  • Review of Achievement Standards (RAS) – Provisional NCEA Level 1 Subject List

    The Ministry has placed on hold most of our sector engagement work through the NCEA Review and, in particular, the Review of Achievement Standards (RAS) to support the Government’s efforts to stem the spread of COVID-19. The pandemic situation remains fluid and we recognise that this may require a review of the NCEA Change Programme’s implementation timelines. However, we are keen to continue engaging with the education sector and have extended the closing date for the public... More
    Closed 20 July 2020
  • Code of Pastoral Care

    Have your say on the new Code of Pastoral Care More
    Closed 31 July 2020
  • Options for NCEA Level 1 Science

    The Ministry of Education is seeking further feedback on NCEA Level 1 Science following feedback on the products we tested through Trial & Pilots early in 2020. We have listened to the feedback. Two alternative options for NCEA Level 1 Science (alongside Agricultural and Horticultural Science) have been developed, based on the education sector’s initial feedback. Subject Associations, teachers, students and the wider community are encouraged to provide... More
    Closed 10 August 2020
  • Curriculum Leads (Wellbeing) Collaboration

    Through the Kōrero Mātauranga | Education Conversation , we heard from learners, families/ whānau and educators that they want learners: to be happy, healthy and feel that they belong in education to be learning the right things, in the right way, with skilled and engaged educators to receive an education that takes them somewhere that they value and that helps them throughout... More
    Closed 25 September 2020
  • Trial and Pilots phase 2 Visual Arts questionnaire

    The purpose of this questionnaire is to receive your feedback on the draft Visual Arts Achievement Standards and associated assessment package. To view the draft assessment package please click here More
    Closed 4 October 2020
  • Trial and Pilots phase 2 - Religious Studies questionnaire

    The purpose of this questionnaire is to receive your feedback on the draft Religious Studies Achievement Standards and associated assessment package. To view the draft assessment package please click here More
    Closed 4 October 2020
  • PBRF Review

    The PBRF has been periodically reviewed, the last review was held in 2012/13. Government commissioned a review of the PBRF that commenced on 29 July 2019. This Review examined the ways that the Government can continue to support research excellence by improving the effectiveness and efficiency of PBRF settings and ensuring that it delivers outcomes for learners, businesses, communities and New Zealand as a whole. An independent panel was appointed by Associate Minister of Education... More
    Closed 6 November 2020
  • NCEA Literacy and Numeracy Standards - Questionnaire

    You are asked to provide feedback on draft English-medium literacy and numeracy standards for the new NCEA literacy and numeracy co-requisite, as part of the NCEA Change Package. At this time, we are looking at the draft English-medium literacy and numeracy standards and supporting materials. This feedback will help us to improve the standards and materials. The English-medium standards align to the New Zealand Curriculum. We are also developing standards that... More
    Closed 18 December 2020
  • Ka Hikitia and Tau Mai Te Reo Strategy Survey

    As part of the Education Conversation | Kōrero Mātauranga, thousands of Māori learners and their whānau, hapū and iwi shared what is important to them in education and what they would like to see changed. We heard that a good education system is one that values te reo Māori me ngā tikanga, that values Māori identity, language and culture, and positively responds to diverse lived experiences of whānau Māori. A good education system means that Māori exercise agency and... More
    Closed 31 December 2020
  • Consultation on Tranche One of the Early Learning Regulatory Review

    Kia ora, The Ministry of Education has begun a comprehensive review of the Early Learning Regulatory System (the Review). This survey is on the proposals for the first tranche of the Early Learning Regulatory System Review. The feedback you provide will be used to inform these proposals. The Review’s purpose is to ensure that the regulatory system is clear and fit for purpose to support high quality educational outcomes for our youngest learners. The regulatory proposals in... More
    Closed 12 February 2021
  • Te Reo Consultation on Tranche One of the Early Learning Regulatory Review

    Kia ora, Kua tīmata te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga i te arotake whānui o te Pūnaha Waeture Kōhungahunga (te Arotake). E pā ana tēnei rangahau ki ngā marohi mō te wāhanga tuatahi o te Arotake Pūnaha Waeture Kōhungahunga. Mā te urupare e tuku mai koe e whakamōhio atu i ēnei marohi. Ko te kaupapa o te Arotake ko te whakatūturu e mārama ana, ā, e tika ana te pūnaha waeture ki te tautoko i ngā putanga mātauranga kounga mō ā mātou kōhungahunga. Ka urupare ngā... More
    Closed 12 February 2021
  • NCEA Māori Medium Literacy and Numeracy Standards - Reo Pākehā Questionnaire

    You are asked to provide feedback on draft Māori-medium literacy and numeracy standards and supporting materials for the new NCEA literacy and numeracy co-requisite, as part of the NCEA Change Package. This feedback will help us to improve the standards and supporting materials. This opportunity is the first of several feedback opportunities before the standards are fully implemented in 2023. The Māori-medium standards align to Te Marautanga o Aotearoa... More
    Closed 5 March 2021
  • NCEA Māori Medium Literacy and Numeracy Standards - Reo Māori Questionnaire

    E tonoa ana koe ki te whakahoki kōrero mō ngā tuhinga paearu hukihuki arareo Māori mō te reo matatini me pāngarau, me ngā rawa tautoko mō ngā akoranga tautokorua NCEA hōu mō te reo matatini me pāngarau, hei wāhanga o te Mōkī Panonitanga NCEA. Mā te urupare nei mātou e āwhina ki te whakawhanake ake i ngā paerewa me ngā rawa tautoko. Koia tēnei te whai wāhitanga tuatahi o ngā whai wāhitanga urupare ā mua kē mai i te whakatinanatanga katoatanga o ngā... More
    Closed 5 March 2021
  • Te Marautanga o Aotearoa (TMoA) – Te Tukutuku Hangarau questionnaire

    Click on give us your views to access the Hāngarau questionnaire. More
    Closed 6 March 2021
  • Te Marautanga o Aotearoa (TMoA) – Te Tukutuku Pūtaiao questionnaire

    Click on give us your views to access the Pūtaiao questionnaire. More
    Closed 6 March 2021
  • Te Marautanga o Aotearoa (TMoA) – Te Tukutuku Pāngarau questionnaire

    Click on give us your views to access the Pāngarau questionnaire. More
    Closed 6 March 2021
  • Te Marautanga o Aotearoa (TMoA) – Te Tukutuku Te Reo Rangatira questionnaire

    Click on give us your views to access the Te Reo Rangatira questionnaire. More
    Closed 6 March 2021
441 results. Page 2 of 15